Jungle by Night - In de Steek

When I was asked to direct not one but two music videos for the amazing ‘Jungle by Night’ my creative wheels immediately started spinning. There was just one question from the band; you’d have to see them play. So there was no room for any artsy, thematical story line. “All good!” I said. So yeah, up to me to influence the three factors I could influence. In this case; location, lighting and cinematography.

Fun fact: The amazing scene from Disney’s ‘Aristocats’ in which the cats perform ‘Everybody wants to be cat’ eventually was the inspiration I needed. In that scene - whilst singing in an old abandoned house - one lil’ kitten jumps to the cord of the ceiling lamp. The lamp illuminates the room in differing colour settings throughout the song. My Eureka moment.

So together with my cinematographer and amazing gaffer I made three differing light setting which would alternate in the video. The special one, the yellow setting, was meant to emphasize a unique move; vocals in a Jungle by Night song.


Tikkie - Tikkie 7 jaar


Jungle by Night - Eclypsi